Matthew is known for using Hebrew scripture quotes to show that Jesus, the Messiah was foretold from Moses and the prophets. Listen in as Tony Forrest leads Ken Steponaitis through this discussion on Matthews Christology as well as some things to think about as you are reading this Gospel.
Some Ways Matthew Proves Jesus is the Messiah:
Jesus’ virgin birth: Isaiah 7:14
Jesus’ Bethlehem Birth: Micah 5:2
Escape and return from Egypt: Hosea 11:1
The murder of the infants of Bethlehem: Jerimiah 31:15
John the Baptist fulfilled: Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1
Temple is a den of robbers: Isaiah 56:7 and Jerimiah 7:11
Establish His ministry in Galilee: Isaiah 9:2
Heals disease: Isaiah 53:4
Role of the Servant: Isaiah 42:2
Jesus enters Jerusalem as the humble King: Zechariah 9:9
Jesus betrayed for 30 pieces of silver: Zechariah 11:12-13